2013년 10월 24일 목요일

Luanne Metzger's blog ::Psychics and Police Work

Luanne Metzger's blog ::Psychics and Police Work

               Imagine               waking               up               one               day               to               news               that               your               daughter               is               dead.

About               a               year               ago,               Toni               Ingram               received               just               that.

Her               daughter               Morgan               Ingram               was               murdered               in               their               Colorado               home               just               months               after               her               20th               birthday               and               several               weeks               before               Christmas,               on               December               2nd               2011.

Recently,               I               had               the               opportunity               to               speak               with               Toni               Ingram               about               Morgan               life               and               life               after               Morgan's               death.

               Hello               Toni.

Tell               me               about               Morgan               and               the               type               of               person               that               she               was...
               Morgan               was               a               sweet,               quiet,               Bohemian,               and               Zen               Buddhist               type               of               girl.

She               loved               animals               and               had               as               many               as               we               would               let               her               have.

Everything               from               dogs               to               cats               to               horses               to               rabbits               to               ferrets               to               birds               and               much               more.

There               was               always               two               at               a               time.

One               summer               she               had               a               mouse               that               traveled               with               her.
               Growing               up               in               the               computer               age,               she               was               driven               to               learn               and               explore               the               World               Wide               Web.

She               considered               games               to               be               more               of               a               distraction,               but               was               quick               to               point               out               as               she               grew,               that               we               had               to               learn               that               everything               was               done               through               social               media               these               days.
               She               was               extremely               close               with               me               and               Steve,               as               parents.

Even               more               so               than               our               older               two.

They               both               had               sports               that               took               them               away               regularly,               whereas;               Morgan               preferred               to               stay-at-home               and               engage               in               the               arts,               where               she               taught               herself               how               to               sing               and               play               piano.

Morgan               also               loved               knitting,               crocheting,               and               painting.

She               told               us               that               the               best               things               in               her               life               were               her               family               and               that               some               of               her               best               memories               were               traveling               with               us.
               Morgan               grew               up               in               Colorado,               where               she               loved               the               outdoors.

Whether               a               short               hike               to               a               quiet               place               where               she               could               write               in               her               journals               or               a               hike               somewhere               where               she               could               paint,               Morgan               appreciated               everything               artistically.

Winter               sports               never               garnered               her               interest,               but               she               decided               to               take               up               rock               climbing.

When               her               life               was               cut               short,               she               never               had               a               chance               to               get               into               it,               as               much               as               she               wished               she               would.
               Although               she               missed               her               first               two               years               of               high               school,               as               a               mysterious               illness               which               was               promoted               by               carbon               monoxide               exposure               found               its               way               into               her               life,               Morgan               went               on               to               Junior               College               instead.

At               just               18,               Morgan               was               only               a               few               credits               shy               of               graduating               with               a               two               year,               Associates               degree,               when               most               of               her               friends               were               just               coming               out               of               high               school.
               We               encouraged               her               to               slow               down               and               enjoy               trying               new               things               before               heading               off               to               the               University               for               her               Bachelor's               degree,               so               she               decided               to               take               up               ballet               and               jazz               dance.

Morgan               bought               cookbooks               and               learned               pastry               chef               101.

She               also               discovered               photography,               which               became               almost               an               obsession.

I'll               never               forget               the               day               Steve               bought               her               two               16GB               memory               cards               for               her               camera.

She               was               just               so               happy.

It               was               simply               the               best               gift               she               could               have               ever               asked               for.
               My               daughter               was               a               strong,               intuitive,               and               confident               woman.

She               was               a               Leo               and               very               knowledgeable               about               horoscopes,               as               she               possessed               an               amazing               ability               to               tell               people               what               sign               they               were               just               by               talking               to               them.

She               studied               chakras               and               taught               herself               Lithuanian               from               an               ever               growing               stack               of               index               cards               she               made               with               both               languages               on               them               and               was               turning               to               mastering               French               when               the               stalking               begun.
               Morgan               loved               deep               conversations               and               learning.

Her               goal               was               to               be               a               lawyer               for               women's               rights.

She               believed               strongly               in               causes               that               caught               her               attention               over               the               years.

She               loved               children               and               always               enjoyed               volunteer               work.

She               had               many               close               friends.

At               one               time               we               thought               she               had               no               enemies,               however;               she               did               have               one...and               sometimes,               that               is               all               it               takes.
               She               truly               sounds               exceptional.

Taking               you               back               to               the               day               that               your               daughter               was               "murdered",               what               went               through               your               mind               when               you               were               told               "your               daughter               is               dead"...
               We               knew               before               we               were               told.

Steve               had               an               experience               three               weeks               prior               which               consisted               of               finding               a               very               dear               friend               dead               on               his               couch               and               while               he               tried               not               to               believe               it,               here               he               was               now               doing               CPR               on               Morgan.

He               tried               everything               he               could               to               revive               her.

He               shared               his               worst               fears               with               me               before               the               first               responders               arrived.
               The               reality               was               numbing.

I               could               not               focus               or               think.

This               was               a               horrific               dream.

This               was               never               something               to               happen               in               real               life.

Steve               was               yelling               for               Morgan               to               take               his               last               breath.

He               was               yelling               for               me               to               move               my               car               from               the               driveway               for               the               ambulance.

Somehow               I               was               able               to               do               that.

I               could               follow               instructions               and               respond               if               I               had               to,               but               otherwise               things               were               distant               to               the               immediate               truth               and               reality               of               it               all.
               I               saw               so               many               things               that               I               will               never               forget.

She               appeared               blue               for               an               instant.

I               told               my               husband               that               she               was               suffocating.

He               tried               mouth-to-mouth               and               told               me               her               jaw               was               locked.

I               felt               her               and               she               was               warm.

Her               eyes               were               open               and               I               wanted               them               to               blink,               just               once.

I               wanted               her               to               jerk               and               to               spit               out               a               mouthful               of               water,               but               she               never               moved.
               The               first               responders               were               asking               us               to               leave               and               talking               about               her               rigor.

I               saw               one               shaking               his               head,               as               he               looked               like               he               wanted               to               cry.

I               burst               into               tears               and               just               stopped.

As               more               people               kept               arriving,               the               urgency               that               had               filled               my               house               died.

I               remember               holding               my               husband               Steve               and               asking               why.

What               could               have               happened?

How               could               this               happen?
               Once               Morgan               was               pronounced               dead,               I               don't               have               a               real               clear               memory.

If               that               was               shock,               it               was               my               first               experience               with               it.

I               don't               want               to               remember               it,               but               I               will               never               forget               that               morning.

I               do               remember               one               thing               I               was               thinking,               when               they               actually               said               the               words               that               "our               daughter               was               dead".

I               started               telling               myself               over               and               over               again,               please               let               me               have               a               do-over,               let               this               be               yesterday,               and               I               will               take               her               far,               far               away               and               none               of               this               would               have               ever               happened.

I               kept               telling               myself               this               for               a               very               long               time.

               I               am               sorry               to               hear               about               your               loss.

Morgan               was               a               beautiful               soul               and               didn't               deserve               this               at               all.

I               am               curious,               what               were               you               told?
               My               husband               Steve               was               told               that               our               house               was               now               a               crime               scene               and               that               we               needed               to               get               dressed               and               leave               the               house               for               a               while.

They               asked               if               there               was               a               place               we               could               go               nearby.

Steve               talked               to               our               next               door               neighbor               who               agreed               to               allow               us               to               use               their               house.

Friends               of               ours               that               lived               nearby               arrived               on               the               scene               to               help               me               with               my               things.

Luckily               our               next               door               neighbor               had               a               fully               stocked               vacation               home,               so               we               didn't               take               much               and               just               went.
               When               we               left,               there               was               already               crime               scene               tape               across               the               front               yard.

It               was               so               surreal.

They               were               helping               me               under               the               tape,               as               I               continued               to               cry               off               and               on.

I               found               myself               settling               into               a               chair               next               to               Steve.

I               received               numerous               calls               from               friends.

I               knew               we               needed               to               tell               her               brother               and               sister               right               away.

My               husband               was               having               trouble               talking               on               the               phone,               so               he               decided               to               text               people.

I               remember               going               through               my               contacts               and               naming               the               ones               that               had               to               know               right               away.

Godparents,               cousins,               etc.

Nobody               could               believe               what               we               were               telling               them               and               basically               that               is               how               the               next               few               hours               went.

Watching               my               husband               and               my               friends               convince               people               of               something,               I               did               not               believe               myself.

               After               weeks               upon               weeks               and               then               months               went               by,               did               anyone               contact               you?

If               so,               what               did               they               say?

What               were               you               told               again?
               Actually,               I               was               the               one               doing               most               of               the               contacting.

The               very               first               morning,               a               dear               friend               of               mine               showed               up               with               absolutely               shocking               information.

A               neighbor               down               the               street               had               confessed               that               he               knew               who               the               stalker               was               and               had               known               for               some               time.

He               confessed               this               to               a               client               of               his               and               his               client               called               my               friend               regarding               the               strange               confession,               but               had               no               idea               who               it               was               that               he               was               talking               about.

Then,               my               friend               knew               instantaneously               that               it               was               Morgan.

When               she               heard               about               it,               she               did               not               hesitate               to               tell               me               about               it.

I               passed               this               information               on               to               the               lead               detective,               in               an               effort               that               he               would               follow               right               up               on               it,               but               that               never               happened.
               A               few               days               later,               it               happened               again.

At               the               first               service               for               Morgan,               my               sister               noticed               Morgan's               nails               were               torn               and               proceeded               to               show               me.

We               were               not               investigating               at               all,               at               the               time               because               we               were               surviving               more               in               shock               than               anything               else.

But               once               again,               I               asked               the               lead               detective               about               the               torn               nails.

I               mean,               how               could               this               be?

We               were               told               there               was               no               sign               of               struggle.

I               kept               getting               this               feeling               like               things               weren't               happening               in               the               investigation,               as               things               were               certainly               not               adding               up.
               On               the               morning               we               found               Morgan,               the               lead               detective               was               so               broken               up               at               first,               as               he               was               weeping               as               bad               as               Steve               and               I               were.

Both               detectives               were               really               upset               over               Morgan's               death.

First,               I               told               him               about               the               confession               and               the               nails.

He               said               he               was               going               to               check               into               both.

Then,               as               we               were               packing               up               her               room               we               discovered               more               red               flags.

Things               were               simply               not               adding               up.

               These               things               include:               her               costume               jewelry               was               still               there,               however;               her               valuable               jewelry               was               missing.

Her               panic               button               was               torn               off               at               the               end               table               it               was               mounted               to.

The               pajamas               she               was               wearing               to               bed               that               night               were               missing.

Steve               noticed               scrapes               on               her               hand,               a               red               spot               on               her               forehead,               and               what               he               thought               could               have               been               blood,               but               was               not,               on               the               side               of               her               lips.
               I               spoke               to               the               detective               about               all               of               this.

We               thought               the               authorities               took               the               pajamas               and               they               messed               up               the               end               table,               but               they               didn't.

I               kept               asking,               but               I               was               not               getting               answers               and               I               didn't               really               know               how               this               all               worked.

I               really               expected               that               they               would               move               towards               an               investigation               in               which               her               death               would               become               an               extension               of               her               stalking.

I               never               even               questioned               the               fact               that               it               would               not               be.

I               didn't               see               any               other               way               for               it               to               be.

Unless               it               was               for               another               reason.

Did               something               coincidentally               kill               her               during               her               stalking               other               than               her               stalker?

It               seemed               obvious               to               me               that               the               most               likely               thing               to               look               at               was               the               stalker               and               their               stalking               as               the               responsibility               for               her               death.
               Up               until               the               first               toxicology               report,               we               were               told               it               was               officially               a               mystery.

We               were               told               there               was               no               signs               of               suicide,               no               signs               of               any               forced               entry,               and               no               foul               play.

Steve               and               I               accepted               this               as               the               temporary               explanation.

When               the               toxicology               report               did               come               back,               the               first               thing               we               saw               about               her               toxicology               screen               was               that               it               was               completely               clean.

This               meant               for               days               before               her               death,               whether               2               days               or               even               5               days,               her               levels               were               all               zero.

No               illegal               drugs,               no               alcohol.

Morgan               was               not               a               party               girl.

In               fact,               she               was               considered               the               designated               driver.

Then,               the               cause               and               manner               of               death               was               delivered               to               us               and               it               made               no               sense.
               Her               cause               of               death               was               "Pulmonary               Edema"               and               "Porphyria"               and               her               manner               of               death               was               of               natural               causes.

First,               there               was               no               investigation               into               her               death.

This               was               troubling               enough               to               us.

Morgan               did               not               take               any               prescription               medications.

"Oh,               the               parents               are               always               the               last               to               know",               I               was               told.

I               corrected               them,               as               I               said               no.

We               make               the               appointments,               we               pay               for               the               appointments,               we               go               the               pharmacy,               and               we               pick               up               the               medications.

Somehow               this               logic               did               not               work               for               the               investigator.

It               was               easier               for               him               to               believe               that               she               took               something               and               lied               to               me               about               it               more               so               than               asking               me               the               truth.

My               concerns               started               to               grow               as               more               red               flags               started               to               arise.
               I               sent               all               of               the               information               we               had               to               Morgan's               doctor               at               UCLA               and               started               asking               more               questions.

I               scheduled               a               conference               call               with               the               detective               and               the               pathologist.

My               husband               Steve               was               there               and               we               went               over               the               following               concerns...
               First,               Morgan               did               not               have               Porphyria.

Did               he               find               something               to               indicate               that               she               did?

If               it               were               natural               causes,               could               this               be               something               our               grandchildren               could               die               from?

After               all,               it               was               a               worrisome               subject.

Where               do               we               go               from               here?

We               are               going               out               to               California               to               review               all               of               this               with               Morgan's               doctor,               who               was               also               very               surprised               at               her               sudden               death.
               This               was               the               first               time               that               we               spoke               with               the               forensic               pathologist.

We               had               never               spoken               with               the               Coroner               yet,               but               we               did               notice               that               the               forensic               pathologist               seemed               to               be               getting               rather               "testy",               like               he               didn't               want               to               answer               too               many               questions.

It               was               all               becoming               odd               and               we               waited               for               answers               in               Los               Angeles.
               At               her               doctor's               house,               we               went               over               how               well               Morgan               had               been               doing               and               how               she               continued               getting               stronger               every               year.

How               masterfully               she               had               taken               on               a               strict               diet               and               exercise               program               to               build               her               system               back               up               beautifully               only               to               have               this               stalker               in               her               life               completely               stress               her               out.

After               reviewing               all               of               the               reports,               there               was               no               doubt               in               her               doctor's               mind               that               this               was               a               homicide.

This               completely               floored               Steve               and               I.

To               be               honest,               we               didn't               know               what               to               think               until               that               moment,               but               we               had               not               thought               homicide.

It               was               a               complex               medical               matter               and               she               wanted               to               talk               it               over               with               the               pathologist               in               Colorado.

She               wanted               to               explain               it               to               him               and               assured               us               that               she               would               take               care               of               it.
               Steve               and               I               are               not               exactly               medically               educated.

He               is               an               artist               and               I               am               an               executive               assistant.

We               had               to               believe               that               Morgan's               doctor               was               correct               because               she               had               the               credentials               and               she               never               failed               our               daughter.

We               also               started               to               include               other               doctors               into               the               mix               that               we               knew               well.

They               all               agreed               that               the               pathologist               had               it               all               wrong.

I               didn't               know               the               direction               this               was               going,               but               I               did               know               that               it               was               happening.
               Only               the               pathologist               was               unhappy               with               this               new               information.

In               fact,               when               we               spoke               with               the               pathologist,               he               started               saying               that               if               we               continued               to               pursue               the               homicide               theory,               he               would               have               to               look               again               at               suicide               or               accidental               overdose.

All               we               could               think               is               -               an               accidental               overdose               of               what?

This               became               just               another               question               in               the               ever-growing               list.

He               also               said               he               did               not               find               any               pills               or               even               fragments               of               pills               in               Morgan's               stomach.
               Meanwhile,               our               daughter-in-law               read               an               article               in               the               local               Glenwood               Springs               newspaper               that               had               an               arrest               report               for               Morgan's               #1               stalking               suspect.

Morgan's               suspected               stalker               was               arrested               on               a               warrant               for               selling               stolen               jewelry.

Morgan               had               missing               jewelry.

Her               stalker               was               also               arrested               on               felony               distribution               charges,               so               everything               was               only               getting               more               complex.
               I               called               our               detectives               about               the               arrest               and               they               had               no               idea.

The               arrest               occurred               within               the               Glenwood               Springs               city               limits,               so               they               do               not               share               that               kind               of               information.

Our               detective               now               wanted               pictures               of               all               of               Morgan's               jewelry.

Steve               was               very               upset               with               this               because               he               felt               like               on               top               of               the               all               of               the               half               answers               we               were               getting               and               the               other               tribulations               we               had               to               endure,               they               now               wanted               us               to               go               through               40,000               pictures               and               find               every               single               piece               of               jewelry               Morgan               had.

Steve               thought               that               was               insane               asking               me               to               do               that.

So,               we               started               taking               matters               into               our               own               hands               and               went               directly               to               the               "Cash               for               Gold"               store               with               what               pictures               we               did               have.
               It               turns               out               that               the               "Cash               for               Gold"               store               is               very               lax.

They               quickly               recognized               Morgan's               #1               suspect               as               a               customer               of               the               establishment,               but               as               for               matching               up               pictures               we               had               with               pictures               they               had               of               the               jewelry               he               (the               stalker)               sold               them,               well               they               had               no               pictures.

So,               why               did               the               detective               insist               that               we               supply               pictures               instead               of               descriptions,               when               not               one               person,               nobody               had               pictures               to               compare               them               with               anyway?!

Just               more               work               for               nothing.

Just               more               complexity.
               Then,               Morgan's               doctor               in               California               said               the               pathologist               had               turned               completely               "unruly".

First,               he               wanted               to               help               with               the               case.

Then,               he               was               apprehensive               and               now               he               is               unruly?!

I               called               him               and               he               announced               that               he               would               no               longer               talk               to               our               doctors               because               they               knew               nothing               and               could               not               testify               in               court               anyway.

I               corrected               him               and               said               that               they               could.

In               fact,               they               were               being               specifically               selected               because               of               their               experience               in               court.

He               said               "no".

I               said               "OK"               and               then               asked               him               politely               who               could               help               us               get               to               the               bottom               of               this               because               nobody               agrees               with               your               position               and               that               this               is               a               problem.

I               just               kept               thinking               to               myself,               as               long               as               Morgan's               manner               of               death               remains               "natural               causes"               her               killer               goes               free               to               kill               again.
               The               pathologist               finally               said               that               we               should               find               another               forensic               pathologist,               preferably               someone               in               our               state               and               added               that               at               least               they               could               testify               in               court.

He               then               said               that               he               might               have               to               look               at               accidental               overdose               again               because               the               dose               was               quite               high.

I               proceeded               to               ask               him               what               dose               because               the               only               medication               that               showed               up               on               her               toxicology               screen               was               "insignificant"               up               to               this               point               in               his               opinion.
               We               found               a               great               forensic               pathologist               in               Colorado               who               offered               his               help               for               no               charge               in               Morgan's               case.

He               had               done               the               second               opinion               in               the               Jon               Bennet               Ramsey               case,               as               well               as,               many               other               high               profile               cases.

It               was               perfect               because               he               was               giving               us               our               second               opinion               and               he               was               very               well               qualified               and               respected               in               Colorado.

He               looked               it               all               over               and               I               asked               about               the               possibility               of               a               suicide               or               accidental               overdose.

He               proceeded               to               ask               why.

I               explained               how               it               kept               becoming               a               bigger               and               bigger               issue               with               the               original               forensic               pathologist               and               at               this               point,               I               was               beginning               to               believe               it               was               truly               a               threat.

He               said               with               everything               he               had               seen,               he               could               not               understand               why               any               pathologist               would               call               this               a               suicide.

He               said               this               case               needed               an               investigation               and               then               he               quickly               came               to               the               conclusion               that               the               amitriptyline               level               in               her               body               was               anything               but               "insignificant"               as               it               was               massive.

He               also               mentioned               that               it               was               probably               administered               in               a               liquid               form               and               it               could               have               been               possibly               used               for               equine               use.

Death               would               have               been               certain               and               also               relatively               swift.
               Of               course,               this               became               another               twist               into               the               justice               for               Morgan               saga.

She               was               killed               with               a               prescription               drug               that               she               did               not               take               and               the               original               forensic               pathologist               had               no               excuse               for               not               knowing               this               from               day               one               and               was               jeopardizing               Morgan's               chance               for               justice               with               his               egregious               errors.
               I               called               for               a               meeting               with               the               detectives.

They               said               the               patrol               house               would               be               the               best               place               to               meet.

That               should               have               been               a               clue               for               me               and               Steve,               but               we               did               not               see               it               coming.

Steve               and               I               went               to               tell               them               that               Morgan               had               been               killed               with               a               massive               dose               of               horse               medication               (which               can               also               be               taken               by               people,               but               in               a               pill               form               with               doses               nowhere               approaching               the               one               that               killed               our               daughter).

Steve               had               a               "punch               list"               of               all               of               the               as               of               yet               unanswered               questions.

The               meeting               did               not               go               well               at               all.

They               tried               to               explain               to               us               that               no               one               could               have               been               in               the               house.

Steve               asked               if               they               ever               found               the               container               that               contained               the               lethal               dose               of               liquid               equine               medication.
               They               changed               the               subject               and               started               to               accuse               Morgan               of               recreationally               snorting               Amitriptyline.

I               questioned               the               possibilities               of               such               and               asked               how               could               one               snort               prescription               pills               and               why?

They               continued               saying               "The               parents               are               always               the               last               to               know".

The               victims'               rights               coordinator               stood               through               all               of               this.

As               her               arms               were               crossed               in               silence,               and               the               lead               detective               spewing               out               insinuation               after               insinuation               about               our               daughter,               we               were               disgusted.

It               could               have               been               a               1950's               rape               trial               and               the               victim               would               continue               to               be               accused               of               her               hemline               shortness,               her               leading               on,               and               the               popular               inability               to               say               NO               fast               enough.

But               it               is               indeed               2012               and               Morgan               was               indeed               dead.

Were               they               trying               to               bully               us               and               scare               us               away               with               lies?
               Steve               touched               me               on               the               shoulder               and               indicated               it               was               time               to               go.

He               has               that               uncanny               knack               of               knowing               when               the               time               is               not               now.

I'm               a               proud               Italian               and               I               thought               a               good               argument               had               just               started               and               I               just               knew               that               Morgan               wanted               me               to               finish               it.

As               we               stood               there,               they               told               us               the               investigation               had               been               dropped               due               to               lack               of               leads.

Steve               quickly               questioned               about               the               stolen               jewelry,               the               equine               medication,               and               they               still               had               NOT               questioned               the               client               who               heard               the               confession               of               our               neighbor.

This               was               a               sad               day               for               the               victim.
               Months               later               the               Coroner's               office               called.

This               was               the               first               time               they               called               us.

They               had               a               new               manner               of               death               and               wanted               to               fax               it               over.

I               thought               they               were               going               to               carry               through               on               their               threat               and               change               it               from               natural               causes               to               accidental               overdose.

This               would               be               going               backwards,               not               just               for               Morgan,               but               because               I               started               my               blog               which               was               a               center,               a               source               for               other               stalking               victims               who               were               contacting               me               mostly               because               they               did               not               know               where               to               turn.
               Well,               I               was               wrong.

A               reporter               from               Glenwood               was               receiving               his               copy               at               the               same               time               I               was               receiving               mine.

Morgan               was               not               an               accidental               overdose               -               she               was               a               SUICIDE?!

Based               on               no               new               evidence.

But               wait,               it               does               not               end               here.

A               new               toxicology               screen               emerged               from               her               gastric               fluid.

We               are               not               medical               people               and               even               if               we               thought               we               knew               what               it               meant,               we               would               have               a               professional               interpret               for               us.

We               learned               later               that               her               sample               had               been               exhausted               during               this               testing.

Despite               everything               else               they               knew,               Morgan's               doctor               at               UCLA               wanted               to               run               various               tests               had               they               decided               to               do               more               testing,               but               they               didn't               care.

Instead,               they               tested               without               consulting               us.
               The               re-testing               indicated               even               worse               things               for               poor               Morgan.

In               fact,               this               test               showed               a               veritable               date               rape               cocktail               had               been               mixed               up               for               her.

Either               of               the               two               drugs               would               have               killed               her               on               their               own.

The               others               showed               positive,               but               did               not               have               any               levels               because               the               sample               was               split               between               three               labs,               making               them               fully               exhausted               before               more               levels               were               established.

Morgan               never               had               a               chance.

She               was               murdered,               while               we               slept               across               the               house.

No               wonder               there               was               no               desire               to               answer               any               questions               that               Steve               and               I               had.

These               questions               include:
               Where               was               the               container               that               held               the               date               rape               cocktail?

Where               were               the               PJs               Morgan               wore               when               Steve               last               talked               to               her?

Who               pried               Morgan's               panic               button               off               of               her               nightstand?

Who               tore               three               of               Morgan's               nails?

Who               scraped               1/8"               to               1/4"               abrasions               into               her               hand?

Who               put               a               flesh               burn               into               her               forearm?

Who               bruised               her               forehead?

What               caused               her               lips               to               bleed?

What               were               the               contents               of               the               fine               spray               on               her               chest?

(This               was               noted               by               the               officer               with               the               black               light               on               the               scene)               What               happened               to               all               of               Morgan's               expensive               jewelry?

               Why               was               there               no               rape               kit               when               she               had               an               active               felony               stalking               case               on               the               day               she               was               killed?

Why               were               the               next               door               neighbors,               who               witnessed               odd               behaviors               consistent               with               an               intruder               that               very               night               and               wished               to               tell               law               enforcement,               completely               ignored?

Why               was               the               person               who               confessed               to               a               client               the               identity               of               the               stalker               after               Morgan               was               found               dead               never               interviewed?

Why               was               the               Chief               Deputy               Coroner               who               assumed               control               of               the               death               scene               not               properly               credentialed               as               per               Colorado               Revised               Statute?

Why               were               deputies               with               no               training               nor               experience               in               death               scenes               investigating               allowed               into               the               actual               death               scene?

Why               is               it               that               numerous               official               sheriffs'               reports               refer               to               Morgan's               medications,               when               in               fact               she               was               not               prescribed               those               medications?

Why               do               those               same               sheriff's               reports               purport               the               reason               she               took               those               medications,               when               in               fact               she               never               took               medications               for               those               reasons?
               Why,               why,               why...the               questions               continue               to               grow               faster               than               any               answers.

Her               official               cause               of               death               is               now               suicide,               but               it               is               not               supported               by               any               facts               at               all.

As               I               have               often               said,               we               are               not               medical               people;               we               just               know               what               the               experts               who               have               volunteered               to               help               Morgan               have               told               us.

Would               it               really               be               that               hard               to               listen               to               them?

Any               of               them?
               To               tell               you               something               completely               different               and               to               associate               that               with               suicide               is               not               only               horrible,               but               outrageous.

For               everyone               who               knew               Morgan,               they               said               she               was               not               that               type               of               person               at               all.

In               fact,               if               she               contemplated               suicide               there               would               be               signs.

What               do               you               think               of               the               accusations?
               Morgan               was               not               a               suicidal               person.

Everyone               that               knew               Morgan               for               years               would               tell               you               that.

All               of               her               close               friends               have               become               furious               over               the               accusations.

Even               for               a               moment,               to               even               think               Morgan               would               think               to               take               her               own               life...what               would               be               the               reason?

Morgan               was               scared               and               stressed               over               her               stalker,               but               is               that               a               good               enough               reason?

If               that               is               the               case,               the               stalker               still               contributed               to               her               death.

She               has               never               in               her               life               been               diagnosed               with               depression.

She               was               never               on               medication               for               depression.
               After               Morgan's               death,               I               was               approached               by               one               of               her               friends               that               actually               said               Morgan               saved               her               life               because               that               friend               was               depressed               and               considered               suicide.

It               was               Morgan               with               her               gentle               and               influential               spirit               that               helped               her.

Morgan               was               a               very               spiritual               being,               so               as               far               as               we               are               concerned,               she               would               have               been               the               last               person               on               earth               to               commit               suicide.

Ironically               enough,               the               summer               before               Morgan               and               I               attended               a               forum               to               see               the               guest               speaker,               the               Dali               Lama               at               the               Aspen               Institute.

I               told               her               that               the               only               thing               I               did               not               agree               with               was               his               stance               about               pure               evil.

I               believe               it               does               exist,               but               Morgan               tended               to               agree               with               the               Dali               Lama.
               Morgan               also               loved               animals.

She               had               a               new               puppy               "Wylah               May"               that               was               only               5               months               old               at               the               time               Morgan               was               murdered.

She               absolutely               adored               that               puppy.

She               would               have               never               taken               her               life               and               abandoned               that               little               baby.
               When               the               Coroner's               office               (basically               the               Forensic               Pathologist)               changed               her               manner               of               death               to               suicide               after               8               months,               it               was               extremely               upsetting               for               my               husband               Steve,               but               I               knew               the               Forensic               Pathologist               was               going               to               do               that.

He               had               threatened               me               on               three               different               occasions,               every               time               I               told               him               that               doctors,               specialists,               and               other               Forensic               Pathologists               had               reviewed               all               of               Morgan's               medical               records               and               the               autopsy               results               proved               that               this               was               not               a               natural               death,               but               actual               murder.

It's               very               evident               that               Morgan               died               under               suspicious               circumstances               and               the               prescription               drugs               that               showed               up               in               her               system               in               the               toxicology               reports               were               NOT               anything               that               she               was               taking.
               3               out               of               the               4               drugs               discovered               in               Morgan's               system               were               NEVER               in               the               house,               ever.

In               total,               they               all               contributed               to               what               people               would               dub               a               "date               rape               cocktail".

According               to               the               Sexual               Assault               Panel,               these               drugs               were               listed.

The               Forensic               Pathologist               requested               that               her               labs               be               run               only               with               the               comprehensive               panel,               not               the               sexual               assault               panel.

Two               of               the               date               rape               drugs               were               in               such               large               quantities,               that               they               showed               up               instantaneously.

The               other               two               found               in               her               system               showed               up,               but               not               in               the               exact               quantity.

The               one               drug               that               Morgan               was               given               was               in               such               a               large               amount,               which               was               either               transdermal               or               liquid,               that               it               passed               through               her               bloodstream               and               killed               her               long               before               the               other               drugs               could               even               be               absorbed.
               If               Morgan               wanted               to               take               her               own               life,               she               could               have               easily               walked               into               our               room               and               taken               as               many               sleeping               pills               as               she               wanted               to,               but               she               did               not.

Morgan               wanted               to               live               because               she               had               many               things               she               wanted               live               for.

The               reality               is               it               was               a               human               predator(s)               that               ended               her               life.

These               same               people               took               her               PJs,               the               container               for               the               date               rape               cocktail,               and               her               valuable               jewelry               because               it               certainly               was               not               Morgan               fresh               off               a               suicide               leaving               with               all               of               those.
               After               speaking               with               other               Forensic               Pathologists,               the               lab               folks               who               had               done               her               toxicology               results,               etc.

I               finally               realized               that               this               was               overkill               and               how               any               Forensic               Pathologist,               Coroner,               or               Sheriff's               Department               could               overlook               it               and               call               it               suicide               goes               far               beyond               incompetence.

As               the               FBI               tells               me,               there               is               no               law               against               incompetence,               but               all               of               the               signs               I               am               seeing               lead               me               to               believe               that               this               something               more               insidious?
               I               just               have               to               ask               you,               after               your               daughter               reported               the               stalking,               what               kind               of               action               was               taken               by               the               authorities?

How               did               they               treat               her               case?
               For               the               first               7               and               a               half               weeks,               they               said               they               were               not               allowed               to               collect               evidence               because               it               was               considered               misdemeanor               trespassing.

The               Colorado               law               reads               different               they               stress               urgency               and               recognize               the               danger.

The               patrol               officers               that               came               to               our               house               every               time               we               called               them               really               cared.

They               found               footprints               up               against               the               house,               right               under               her               bathroom               window               and               called               their               office               to               see               if               they               could               take               castings               or               pictures.

They               were               told               no.
               This               was               beyond               crazy.

Our               daughter               was               in               danger,               so               we               decided               it               was               up               to               us               to               protect               her.

The               sheriff               decided               quickly               that               the               perpetrator               had               to               be               in               our               neighborhood,               which               was               the               only               way               he               could               get               away               so               fast.

They               asked               us               to               refrain               from               sharing               any               information               with               the               neighbors,               as               they               didn't               want               to               tip               him               off.

It               was               a               big               mistake,               as               that               was               the               first               thing               we               should               have               done               in               the               beginning               because               we               could               have               had               more               witnesses               and               people               watching               out               for               mysterious               behavior,               someone               walking               around               in               the               middle               of               the               night,               etc.
               I               know               that               individual               police               forces               vary               upon               state               and               everyone               will               have               different               experiences,               etc.,               however;               I               have               noticed               the               same               pattern               of               incompetence.

I               can't               decide               whether               it's               neglect               or               just               laziness.

They               claim               they               care,               but               yet               they               do               not               help               you.
               That               is               a               very               good               question.

On               one               hand,               I               have               people               tell               me               it               is               laziness,               on               the               other               hand               I               tend               to               think               that               they               are               not               taught               the               correct               way               to               deal               with               these               types               of               situations               and               they               are               not               taken               seriously.

I               believe               officers               always               echo               what               comes               from               the               top               of               their               precinct.

Whether               it               is               the               police,               or               sheriff,               or               whatever               law               enforcement.

It               seems               to               always               be               that               the               actual               seriousness               of               how               the               crime               should               be               treated               comes               from               the               top               and               affects               every               patrol               officer               that               deals               with               crime.
               I               have               had               many;               many               past               and               recent               stalking               victims               contact               me               with               some               experiences               with               law               enforcement.

Some               good,               some               bad.

I               don't               believe               it               was               an               individual               concern               of               the               officers,               as               much               as               pure               knowledge               of               how               to               deal               with               the               actual               problem               at               hand.

Writing               tickets               by               comparison               is               relatively               easy               and               I               have               yet               to               witness               an               officer               who               has               not               mastered               that.

Stalking               is               complex               and               the               skill               set               to               deal               effectively               is               equally               complex.

I               don't               have               all               of               the               answers,               but               I               do               seek               to               gain               as               many               as               I               can               to               share               with               law               enforcement               in               the               future.

               Then,               when               they               do               offer               to               help               you,               it               is               too               late.

What               message               do               you               have               for               these               types               of               police               officers?
               One               of               the               best               things               I               have               learned               from               Morgan's               case               is               that               stalking               is               not               a               reactionary               crime.

The               call               or               complaint               comes               in               and               you               react,               most               often               with               presence               first.

Stalking               is               a               crime               of               prevention.

Comparing               it               to               terrorism,               if               we               wait               until               the               Twin               Towers               are               on               fire,               it               is               too               late.

If               the               stalker               has               terrorized               its               victim               and               you               are               twenty               minutes               away,               it               is               too               late               this               time.

How               will               you               change               that               next               time?
               Who               is               the               stalker?

Where               does               he               work?

What               does               he               drive?

What               does               he               look               like?

What               time               did               he               come?

Do               you               know               where               he               is               going               to               be?

Fill               me               in,               when               you               have               him.

Use               water,               rake               the               soil,               and               you               will               have               his               prints.

Put               up               multiple               wildlife               cameras               and               you               might               catch               his               image.

Bring               in               tracking               dogs               if               you               have               just               missed               him.

Take               your               stalker               seriously               because               he               takes               the               victim               seriously.

He               is               willing               to               risk               everything               just               to               stalk.

React               with               equal               seriousness.

               I               think               police               officers               need               to               wake               up               and               recognize               that               not               all               criminals               are               bank               robbing               thugs.

To               be               stalked               for               months               and               after               reporting               it               numerous               times,               nothing               is               done               and               as               a               result,               the               woman               that               reported               the               stalking               is               now               dead.

I               am               seriously               sick               to               my               stomach...
               It               is               really               sickening               to               think               that               in               a               felony               stalking               case               that               has               gone               on               for               four               months               which               resulted               in               the               death               of               a               20               year               old               woman,               under               suspicious               circumstances,               that               they               did               not               call               the               Colorado               Bureau               of               Investigation               (CBI)               to               help.

This               is               what               the               CBI               is               used               for.

With               all               of               their               expertise               and               equipment.

Did               the               sheriff               just               not               care?

Are               they               trying               to               protect               someone?

Do               they               just               not               know               how               to               do               their               job?
               They               needed               to               evaluate               Morgan's               stalker,               but               they               did               not.

Lumping               all               stalkers               into               one               bucket               is               the               worst               thing               you               can               do,               considering               everyone               is               different               and               every               stalker               is               a               different               kind               of               predator.

There               are               many               factors               to               look               for.
               In               Morgan's               case,               the               injustice               never               ends.

After               completely               blowing               the               investigation               of               her               stalking,               they               overran               her               death               scene.

Not               a               single               officer               is               certified               in               death               scene               investigation,               so               what               exactly               were               they               doing               there?

Destroying               key               evidence               and               failing               to               collect               important               evidence               is               what               comes               to               mind.

They               did               not               take               any               evidence               to               be               tested,               such               as               sheets               or               pillows.

All               they               took               were               her               electronics               (phone,               computer,               camera,               and               iPod)               plus               one               of               her               older               journals.

Her               current               journal               was               right               there               in               her               bathroom,               but               they               didn't               take               it.
               There               was               no               Medco               legal               investigator               as               required               by               state               law.

The               sheriff's               office               had               officers               walking               all               over               taking               notes               and               basically               contradicting               each               other,               as               they               are               not               trained               death               scene               investigators.

It               was               such               a               nightmare               because               they               don't               take               stalking               seriously.

They               just               assume               that               this               is               just               a               young               person               who               died               of               too               much               alcohol               or               illegal               drugs,               which               is               incorrect.

How               could               my               daughter               have               a               stalker               for               four               months,               that               they               were               powerless               to               stop               and               think               that               her               stalker               was               incapable               of               her               murder?

What               did               they               do               when               the               toxicology               screen               came               back               and               Morgan               was               a               clean               living               young               woman?

Drop               the               case?

Are               they               really               trying               to               stop               stalking               or               promote               it?

               What               reason               and/or               reasons               do               you               believe               that               she               was               murdered?
               We               knew               that               it               was               very               frightening               for               her               to               be               woken               up               at               all               hours,               in               the               middle               of               the               night               with               loud               bangs               to               her               window               or               weird               lower               scratching               noises.

Being               followed,               being               watched,               having               her               stalker               show               up               in               the               dark               at               5:30               am               dressed               in               black               when               she               went               to               put               her               puppy               out               to               go               potty,               etc.

Her               doctor               at               UCLA               first               thought               that               Morgan               was               frightened               to               death.

She               was               very               healthy,               so               she               thought               it               was               really               incompetent               to               think               she               died               of               "natural               causes"               during               this               stalking.

Some               of               the               facts               from               her               death               scene               include:
               No               container               for               the               date               rape               cocktail               found.

No               PJs               that               Morgan               wore               the               night               of               her               death               found.

No               jewelry               found.

Very               awkward               yet               staged               appearance               on               the               opposite               side               of               her               bed               from               where               she               always               slept.

Dressed               in               street               clothes               (which               she               NEVER               slept               in)               and               they               were               not               the               same               clothes               she               came               home               in,               the               night               before.

Missing               panic               button.

The               overall               condition               of               her               room.

The               bedside               tables               swiped               clear,               folded               clothes               knocked               to               the               floor.

You               just               cannot               look               at               a               photo               of               her               room               and               say               there               were               no               signs               of               a               struggle.
               This               all               indicated               the               presence               of               someone               who               entered               and               simply               left               her               after               she               died.

Other               signs               and               clues               include:
               Torn               nails,               abrasions               on               the               same               hand,               and               a               flesh               burn               on               the               wrist.

A               thumb               sized               bruise               on               her               forehead,               blood               on               her               lips,               and               fine               spray               of               bodily               fluids               on               her               chest.

These               are               all               consistent               clues               that               support               the               fact               she               was               murdered,               as               it               makes               perfect               sense               that               Morgan               was               forced               to               ingest               a               date               rape               cocktail.

The               stalker               was               well               aware               that               we               were               moving               and               therefore;               knew               his               window               of               opportunity               was               closing,               so               the               motive               was               growing               also.
               The               stalker               had               many               motives,               but               one               of               the               most               evident               is               that               Morgan               rebuffed               him               at               their               only               meeting               in               public.

The               stalker's               girlfriend               had               been               heard               saying               inappropriate               things               in               reference               to               Morgan               and               was               heard               by               many               individuals               at               different               times               in               different               settings.

               None               of               the               drugs               were               found               ever               in               her               room               nor               would               she               ever               have               garnered               access               to               them.

It               makes               no               sense               how               she               would,               all               of               the               sudden               have               access               to               them.

I               think               it's               very               obvious               that               she               did               NOT               commit               suicide.
               They               did               not               find               any               of               the               drugs               that               killed               her               in               her               room.

They               didn't               even               find               any               prescription               drugs               in               her               room.

Steve               was               asked               by               an               officer,               the               morning               we               found               her               body               if               he               had               any               recent               or               old               medications               for               Morgan.

Steve               proceeded               to               go               into               the               bathroom,               where               he               had               a               box               taped               up               with               old               medications               for               the               three               of               us               and               gave               the               officer               a               bottle               of               an               old               medication               she               use               to               take               over               2               years               ago.
               The               officer               wrote               it               down               and               then               put               the               medication               on               Morgan's               nightstand.

According               to               sheriff               reports               that               I               read               months               later,               another               officer               went               through               her               room               and               wrote               down               that               Morgan               had               that               bottle               of               medication               on               her               nightstand,               so               she               was               obviously               taking               it.

And               this               is               how               the               entire               investigation               went.

So               many               discrepancies,               so               many               mistakes.

How               could               they               ever               come               to               a               correct               conclusion?
               We               independently               checked               with               every               one               of               her               doctors               and               found               that               not               one               single               doctor               ever               wrote               a               prescription               for               Morgan.

We               checked               every               pharmacy               and               none               of               them               filled               a               prescription               for               Morgan.

Morgan               saw               a               doctor               in               2010               for               the               express               reason               that               she               no               longer               wanted               to               take               any               prescription               medications               and               as               a               result,               she               succeeded.
               Not               a               single               person               has               ever               interviewed               Steve               or               myself               to               find               out               who               her               current               doctors               were.

Not               a               single               person               questioned               whether               or               not               Morgan               took               any               medications.

The               last               doctor               to               see               Morgan               was               36               hours               before               her               death.

We               offered               this               information               to               the               forensic               pathologist,               but               he               never               contacted               her.

She               contacted               him,               when               we               informed               her               about               what               was               going               on.

She               thought               that               Morgan               was               "positive               and               upbeat"               when               she               spoke               with               her               about               the               detectives               being               close               to               making               an               arrest               of               her               stalker.

She               offered               sleeping               aids,               as               well               as,               anti-stress               medication,               but               Morgan               declined,               as               she               would               rather               not               take               any               medications,               as               ballet               was               her               release.

Was               this               another               reason               why               the               stalker               had               to               get               rid               of               Morgan?

Because               the               following               week               the               detective               was               supposed               to               get               his               hours               and               overlay               them               on               top               of               our               detailed               timeline               and               would               possibly               be               able               to               make               an               arrest               at               that               time?
               The               detectives               collected               evidence               that               met               their               needs               and               basically               fabricated               the               rest.

It               is               not               true,               what               else               can               I               say.

Legislation               was               passed               in               May               of               2011               in               Colorado               to               correct               rampant               problems               with               death               scene               investigation               and               all               of               the               new               statutes               that               were               in               force               and               should               have               been               followed               were               completely               ignored               in               the               investigation               of               Morgan's               death.

               Based               on               everything               you               have               told               me               and               my               own               intuition               (which               never               fails               me)               I               think               she               was               murdered,               as               well.

I               also               agree               with               you               about               the               suspects,               as               your               story               is               so               consistent.

Everything               you               have               said               to               me               makes               so               much               sense.

Plus,               based               on               observing               the               case               fully               rather               than               one               dimensionally,               there               are               more               flaws               in               their               stories               than               the               finest               cheese               in               Lucerne.

It               has               definitely               created               a               lot               of               emotional               turmoil               in               your               life,               I               am               sure.
               It               took               time               for               me,               time               for               us.

It               was               hard               for               me               and               Steve               to               accept               that               someone               could               have               been               in               our               daughter's               room               and               killed               her.

This               was               a               mountain               for               Steve               to               climb.

Once               I               gave               in               to               my               intuition,               I               have               only               had               my               initial               beliefs               reinforced.

Morgan               was               murdered.

I               usually               always               trust               my               intuition               and               my               intuition               has               always               told               me               who               was               involved,               but               my               brain               kept               overriding               what               my               intuition               told               me,               so               I               kept               thinking               of               other               possibilities.

Crazy               I               know,               especially               after               Morgan               had               told               me               herself               who               was               involved               before               she               was               killed.

She               also               told               her               felony               stalking               detective               and               many               friends               the               name               of               who               was               involved,               as               well.
               Only               the               stalker               that               did               this               to               Morgan               had               help               from               others               that               were               trying               to               cover               for               him.

Now               on               the               surface,               this               sounds               a               little               crazy,               but               when               I               started               to               do               research               in               this               area               it               was               not               crazy.

It               happens,               as               it               has               been               shared               in               books.

For               example:               one               time               in               the               beginning               after               the               patrol               officers               came               to               our               neighborhood               (and               Morgan               wasn't               home               at               the               time,               she               was               staying               at               a               friend's               house               and               called               to               say               she               would               be               home               in               the               morning)               a               rock               or               something               was               thrown               at               the               window               I               was               standing               in               front               of.

I               was               startled               and               began               to               get               angry,               understanding               exactly               what               Morgan               would               experience               every               time               it               happened               to               her.
               I               called               911               and               four               officers               showed               up               at               the               house               quick.

As               they               surrounded               our               house,               they               began               to               move               quickly               to               the               house               about               three               houses               down               from               us.

It               was               about               10:30               pm.

As               they               surrounded               that               house,               they               knocked               on               the               front               door.

At               first,               no               one               came               to               the               door,               but               they               were               very               persistent.

Finally,               a               woman               answered               and               said               she               would               not               let               the               officers               in               without               a               warrant.

Then               continued               to               mention               that               the               person               they               were               looking               for               was               there,               but               sleeping               and               she               was               not               going               to               wake               him               up               because               he               worked               the               night               shift               at               work.
               The               officers               finally               left               and               for               the               next               hour,               the               perpetrator               ran               by               the               back               of               our               house.

This               was               where               our               bedroom               was               located               and               Steve               and               I               were               trying               to               sleep.

This               same               person               was               setting               off               the               motion               lights               and               alarms               that               we               had               installed.

They               did               this               seven               times,               as               if               they               were               playing               games.

This               was               the               type               of               criminal               we               were               dealing               with.

He               also               got               excited               when               the               law               enforcement               would               show               up               and               not               catch               him.

As               if               he               were               sticking               up               his               middle               finger               to               law               enforcement.
               The               next               morning               this               same               girl's               mother               called               a               neighbor               to               say               that               the               sheriffs               visited               her               to               question               her               daughter               about               Morgan's               disappearance.

Morgan               did               not               disappear.

This               was               just               one               of               the               many               lies               this               mother               told               neighbors               over               the               four               months               about               the               stalker,               but               when               she               was               interviewed               by               the               detective,               she               says               she               gets               all               of               her               information               from               her               daughter.

When               her               daughter               is               interviewed,               she               says               she               gets               all               of               her               information               from               her               mother.

The               interviews               ended               there.
               As               Steve               and               I               were               totally               stressed,               trying               to               protect               our               daughter,               the               felony               stalking               detective               assigned               to               our               case               was               doing               a               few               interviews               of               his               own               with               no               follow               up.

Just               denial               and               spin               from               people               who               were               involved               in               the               death               of               my               daughter.

Later,               the               detective               told               me               that               if               someone               wants               to               lie               to               him               there               is               nothing               he               can               do               about               it.

Well,               that               makes               it               sound               like               law               enforcement               can't               do               anything               for               us,               unless               the               perpetrators               will               sit               on               the               lawn               in               front               of               our               house               and               wait               for               law               enforcement               to               arrive.
               Two               weeks               before               Morgan               was               murdered,               she               stopped               by               a               house               in               Carbondale               to               visit               some               friends               that               were               there.

Much               later,               when               telling               me               about               this               incident,               she               said               she               never               drank               out               of               anything               except               her               own               water               bottle.

She               didn't               know               what               happened               to               her,               but               she               felt               really               strange,               dizzy,               and               sick               so               she               tried               to               get               out               of               there               as               soon               as               possible.

She               did               end               up               at               another               friend's               house               that               was               close               by               and               stayed               the               night               there.
               He               used               her               phone               to               send               me               a               text               about               what               happened               to               her.

We               just               thought               she               had               been               hit               with               the               flu               or               something.

It               wasn't               until               a               week               later               that               she               thought               she               had               been               dosed,               but               did               not               know               how.

Was               the               stalker               able               to               slip               something               into               the               water               bottle               while               she               was               there?

We               have               so               many               questions               and               we               know               there               are               people               out               there               that               know               the               truth.

Without               a               real               investigation,               we               are               trying               to               find               out               the               truth.
               It               has               been               a               year               since               my               daughter               has               died.

Steve               and               I,               as               well               as,               our               blog               readers               have               been               searching               for               answers.

The               sheriff               department               continues               to               do               nothing.

The               main               purpose               of               starting               Morgan's               website               and               blog               was               to               let               others               know               who               Morgan               was               and               what               happened               to               her.

We               wanted               to               let               people               know,               so               we               could               help               others               too.

Others               who               are               enduring               the               same               thing.

I               truly               believe               that               Morgan               came               through               to               us               and               told               us               this               is               what               she               wanted.

She               wanted               to               save               others.

As               a               result,               Steve               and               I               decided               to               start               the               Morgan               Ingram               Foundation               which               will               provide               tools               for               stalking               victims,               solutions,               and               a               source               others               can               use               in               the               battle               against               stalking.

               Tell               me               about               the               footprints               in               the               snow...
               This               unbelievable!

We               had               not               had               any               real               kind               of               snow               that               would               stick               to               the               ground               until               late               that               night.

A               storm               blew               in               and               we               all               slept               through               the               night.

The               next               day,               when               I               walked               down               the               driveway               I               saw               footprints               off               to               the               side               of               the               driveway.

I               called               Steve               to               tell               him.

I               called               the               sheriff's               office               to               have               an               officer               come               look               at               the               prints.

The               officer               showed               up               and               walked               around               the               house,               as               well               as               around               the               neighborhood               with               Steve,               as               the               prints               slowly               melted.
               When               the               tapes               were               reviewed,               it               was               very               obvious               to               everyone               including               our               felony               stalking               detective               that               the               girl               in               the               images               was               the               same               girl               that               would               not               allow               the               authorities               to               question               her               boyfriend.

The               same               girl               that               marched               around               the               house               and               made               sure               she               was               caught               on               the               cameras               except               on               the               side               of               the               house               where               Morgan's               room               was.

The               footprints               lead               back               to               the               suspect's               house.

Steve               also               found               it               very               revealing               that               a               few               days               later;               this               same               girl               stated               that               she               knew               there               was               a               video               recording               exonerating               her               boyfriend               as               the               stalker.

               Tell               me               more               about               the               cameras               outside...
               When               the               stalking               started,               we               realized               in               the               first               7               and               a               half               weeks               that               it               was               considered               only               misdemeanor               trespassing.

We               were               worried               about               Morgan's               safety.

It               was               very               obvious               that               the               sheriff's               office               was               not               allowed               to               do               anything               except               show               up               when               we               called               them               and               look               around               for               the               stalker.

We               bought               a               wildlife               camera               that               captured               a               blurred               image               of               the               stalker,               which               was               then               broken               by               the               stalker.

As               the               stalking               progressed,               we               bought               a               camera               system               and               then               more               wildlife               cameras               before               settling               on               a               system               that               we               installed               on               the               house.

The               system               was               active               24               hours               a               day,               every               day.

When               the               stalker               was               caught               "off               guard"               he               appeared               on               the               camera.

This               was               proof               that               a               stalker               existed,               but               not               conclusive               enough               to               prove               who               the               stalker               was.
               It               is               interesting               that               our               sheriff's               department               spent               a               summer               capturing               photos               of               a               man               who               was               exposing               himself               to               women               on               a               hiking               trail               down               the               road               from               our               house               and               they               thought               they               had               a               great               photo               of               his               face               and               published               it               in               the               paper.

There               are               a               lot               of               rumors               about               what               happened,               but               no               individual               was               ever               charged               with               the               crime.

               Some               people               can               say               you               are               crazy,               but               at               the               end               of               the               day,               everything               you               have               said               is               true               and               makes               so               much               sense.

I               think               I               would               rather               be               dubbed               as               crazy               than               a               liar.
               The               more               Steve               and               I               do               not               give               up,               the               more               a               select               group               of               people               want               us               to               go               away.

They               will               do               everything               they               can               to               distract               everyone               from               the               truth               we               are               telling,               however;               that               is               to               be               expected.

All               you               ever               have               to               do               is               ask               these               people               what               their               goal               really               is.

Are               they               trying               to               stop               stalkers               and               expose               those               responsible               for               Morgan's               death               or               do               they               just               want               to               protect               the               guilty               parties?

We               are               not               going               to               give               up.

We               want               justice               for               what               they               did               to               her.

We               are               only               human               after               all               and               we               are               dedicated               to               seeking               justice               for               Morgan               and               others               who               have               endured               the               same               thing.

               I               have               to               ask,               what               psychics               did               you               speak               with?

I               am               a               firm               believer               in               psychics               (although               not               all)               simply               because               that               is               how               I               met               a               good               friend               of               mine.

She               approached               me               with               information               that               no               stranger               would               have               ever               known               nor               had               access               to.

Tell               me               what               the               psychics               had               to               tell               you               in               regards               to               Morgan's               death.

Did               they               say               she               was               murdered?
               The               psychic               medium               that               helped               us               with               this               case               since               March               is               Jennifer               Shaffer.

Jennifer               is               amazing               and               she               took               the               time               to               share               her               thoughts               with               us               about               Morgan.

Interesting               enough,               when               we               first               met               Jennifer,               Steve               and               I               were               very               skeptical,               however;               Jennifer               started               telling               us               so               many               specifics               that               a               stranger               would               not               know.

Everything               from               pictures,               names,               descriptions,               and               stuff               she               would               have               never               known.

Even               our               mutual               friend               who               introduced               us               did               not               know               this               stuff,               even               our               eldest               daughter               (who               was               with               us               at               the               time)               did               not               know               one               of               the               things               Jennifer               mentioned.
               On               March               2,               2012               Jennifer               came               in               contact               with               us.

She               was               not               aware               of               anything               before               she               visited               except               the               fact               that               our               daughter               died               and               we               were               suffering.

Jennifer               mentioned               that               she               thought               we               were               a               very               strong               family               unit               with               love               for               our               children,               but               knew               we               suffered               an               incomprehensible               loss.
               As               Morgan's               spirit               emerged,               Jennifer               recognized               it               almost               instantaneously.

Jennifer               began               to               mention               that               Morgan               was               flooding               her               with               her               words,               feelings,               pictures,               and               names.

She               told               Jennifer               -               "I               want               to               be               there               with               them.

Tell               them,               I               didn't               want               to               go.

I               want               to               be               next               to               them.

I               love               them               so               much.

I               didn't               want               to               leave.

Please               don't               cry."               This               screaming               whisper               came               directly               from               Morgan               that               penetrated               Jennifer's               whole               being.
               Jennifer               mentioned               as               Morgan               contacted               her               that               she               has               never               felt               this               much               so               quickly.

As               she               was               able               to               channel               Morgan               images               appeared               in               her               head.

She               found               herself               being               guided               to               the               actual               death               scene.

As               Jennifer               continued,               she               was               shown               more               images               that               are               so               graphic               they               would               make               your               blood               boil.
               It               was               clear,               Morgan               was               murdered.

Morgan's               color               appeared               yellow               and               she               was               poisoned.

She               was               then               shown               horses.

She               went               from               poison               to               horses               all               over               again.

Morgan               held               Jennifer's               heart               as               she               showed               her               more               scenes               from               her               death.

Jennifer               said               that               Morgan               was               such               a               loving               soul               and               quite               possibly               one               of               the               nicest               spirits               she               has               ever               worked               with.

Morgan               mentioned               that               she               misses               being               in               physical               form.
               Morgan               showed               Jennifer               how               the               stalker               (which               included               a               description               followed               by               a               name)               would               climb               up               a               tree               to               get               onto               the               roof.

Jennifer               felt               water               and               then               showed               Jennifer               the               poison,               as               if               the               poison               were               in               liquid               form.

Morgan               showed               Jennifer               a               girl               (and               Jennifer               gave               us               the               name)               involved               with               the               stalker               and               then               finally               mentioned               his               name.

Jennifer               said               she               believed               the               girl               was               manipulated               into               doing               things.

Morgan               expressed               compassion               for               her.
               As               the               entire               reading               continued,               Jennifer               said               that               Morgan               showed               her               a               neighbor               that               lived               nearby,               who               has               information.

She               was               also               shown               cameras               of               where               the               stalker               worked               that               showed               him               leaving,               when               he               was               not               clocked               out.

This               continued               with               him               coming               and               going               several               times.
               Jennifer               shared               Morgan's               story               with               three               other               psychics               and               they               all               have               confirmed               the               same               findings.

I               have               also               had               a               reader               of               my               blog               offer               to               contact               the               Long               Island               Medium,               which               she               did,               and               she               told               us               the               same               things               that               the               three               other               psychics               mentioned.

The               information               was               very               specific               yet               crucial.

This               is               a               total               of               four               mediums               who               have               offered               their               services               and               all               have               said               the               same               exact               thing.

The               information               is               so               key               to               this               case.

It               is               also               graphic               and               has               yet               to               be               shared.

The               reality               of               it               all               was               Morgan               was               murdered               and               they               saw               it               all.

               How               did               the               psychics               help               the               case?
               Because               of               Jennifer,               we               are               given               the               strength               to               push               forward               and               do               whatever               we               can               to               try               and               get               Morgan's               case               opened.

In               March,               shortly               after               I               met               Jennifer               Morgan's               felony               stalking               case               was               still               opened,               but               it               was               going               nowhere.

Some               of               the               details               that               Jennifer               told               us               were               passed               onto               detectives.
               The               details               were               not               followed               up               on.

In               the               case               of               our               neighbor,               he               moved               about               one               week               before               they               went               to               his               house               to               interview               him               (even               though               we               warned               the               detectives               that               this               might               happen).

The               details               that               Steve               and               I               were               able               to               follow               up               on               did               turn               out               to               be               true.

We               were               so               amazed!

This               information               was               given               to               the               detectives               and               for               whatever               reason,               in               mid-May               they               told               us               that               a               higher               level               person               in               their               department               was               telling               them               they               had               to               close               the               felony               stalking               investigation               and               because               the               "forensic               pathologist"               hired               by               the               Garfield               County               Coroner               had               concluded               "natural               causes"               as               the               manner               of               her               death,               they               could               not               open               a               murder               investigation.
               We               are               going               to               continue               to               push               forward               and               with               the               help               and               guidance               of               Jennifer               and               we               will               never               give               up               the               quest               for               justice               for               Morgan.

We               want               to               raise               awareness               for               other               stalking               victims.

There               are               people               that               want               us               to               stop               and               just               go               away,               but               that               is               not               going               to               happen.

We               are               all               in               this               together               and               we               are               going               to               give               a               voice               to               those               that               cannot               speak               for               themselves.

               Have               you               been               harassed               by               those               people               that               you               suspect               to               be               responsible               for               the               death               of               Morgan               or               based               on               what               the               mediums               said               are               responsible               for               her               death?

Tell               me               more               about               the               harassment...

When               the               blog,               the               re-calling               of               details               of               what               happened               to               Morgan               on               a               daily               basis               began,               I               started               to               receive               anonymous               email               submissions               through               the               website               with               threats.

Then,               the               emails               that               were               actually               showing               the               person               and               the               person's               names               that               were               threatening               me.

The               people               were               related               to               the               actual               suspect.
               The               other               suspect               and               her               family               decided               to               take               out               temporary               restraining               orders               against               me               and               my               husband               because               they               wanted               to               obtain               our               new               address.

We               moved               out               of               our               original               home               and               neighborhood               about               one               month               after               our               daughter               was               killed.

After               they               obtained               information               of               our               new               address,               some               of               the               readers               of               my               blog               sent               me               an               array               of               screenshots               of               the               threats               these               people               made               over               the               internet               on               various               websites               towards               me.
               These               TROs               stated               that               they               were               afraid               for               their               safety               because               of               my               blog.

First               and               foremost,               I               must               mention               that               I               spoke               with               and               sought               out               the               opinion               of               three               attorneys               before               starting               my               blog.

They               all               said               that               it               is               protected               by               Freedom               of               Speech,               the               first               amendment.

My               blog               details               the               truth               of               what               happened               to               Morgan               and               my               family               last               year               and               this               upsets               them.

Their               goal               is               to               shut               down               my               blog               because               it               speaks               the               truth.

               They               are               angry               because               you               have               exposed               the               truth               and               that               is               one               thing               they               fear               most               of               all.

Tell               me               about               the               emails               and               links,               as               well               as,               screenshots               sent               to               you...
               The               guilty               parties               are               very               angry.

Just               like               a               cornered               wild               animal               they               are               reacting               viciously.

I               expected               this,               so               I               will               continue               to               remain               fierce               and               to               never               give               up.

The               readers               of               my               blog               that               want               to               help               have               been               sending               me               screenshots               of               the               "others"               Facebook               accounts,               as               well               as,               things               they               have               said               on               several               internet               websites.
               I               do               not               have               the               time               let               alone               the               stomach               to               search               the               internet               and               find               where               these               "others"               are.

Most               are               using               incognito               aliases               and               false               identities               to               attack               my               daughter               who               is               not               even               here               to               defend               herself               and               myself.

They               have               also               attacked               my               husband.
               I               am               very               thankful               for               everyone               helping               us.

We               have               had               former               MEs,               police               officers,               private               investigators,               former               sheriffs,               plus               many               more               trying               to               help               with               reviewing,               assimilating,               and               retrieving               evidence.

This               has               helped               guide               us               in               the               right               direction               and               what               to               do               next.

The               outpouring               of               help               has               been               huge               and               quite               unexpected.

There               are               many               good               people               in               this               world               and               they               all               want               to               make               the               world               a               better               place               for               families,               children,               and               all               of               humanity.

Without               our               website               and               blog,               people               would               not               know               the               truth               about               what               happened               to               Morgan               and               would               not               be               able               to               help               us.

This               is               critical               because               law               enforcement               is               not               helping.

               For               those               people               in               the               world               today               that               are               being               stalked.

That               are               being               bullied,               harassed,               and               intimidated.

What               advice               do               you               have               for               them?
               The               first               thing               I               would               say               is               to               speak               up.

Tell               everyone               about               what               is               happening.

Do               NOT               keep               it               to               yourself.

You               need               others               around               you               to               be               aware               of               what               is               going               on,               so               they               can               watch               out               for               you.

This               is               so               important.

Some               people               may               feel               like               others               do               not               understand               or               they               may               think               you               are               the               one               with               the               problem.

You               are               NOT               the               problem!

The               problem               is               the               person/people               doing               this               to               you.

Do               NOT               be               shy.

There               is               someone               that               is               doing               something               very               wrong               to               you.

Remember               that               you               are               not               the               problem,               they               are.
               Next,               I               would               call               your               law               enforcement               agency               every               single               time               something               happens.

You               need               to               have               them               record               everything.

They               need               to               do               their               job               and               document               everything,               as               it               is               their               duty               to               protect               you.

Ask               questions               and               pry               as               much               as               possible.

As               the               stalking               progresses               the               key               is               to               have               as               many               witnesses               as               possible               to               support               your               claims.

Interview               everyone               you               can.
               Keep               a               detailed               timeline               of               everything               that               happens               using               the               date,               the               time,               and               the               description.

Use               cameras.

Wildlife               cameras               work               great               in               combination               with               motion               detectors.

They               are               a               great               choice.

I               have               had               many               women               and               yes,               even               a               man               write               to               me               about               their               stalkers.

These               stalkers               were               arrested               and               prosecuted.
               Empower               yourself.

Whether               it               is               with               self-defense               classes               or               martial               arts               or               whatever               can               make               you               feel               strong,               so               you               can               feel               in               control.

Find               out               what               resources               are               in               your               area               to               help               you.

Is               there               a               safe               house               in               your               area               or               someone               nearby               that               you               trust?

Go               to               a               place               that               you               know               will               help               you               immediately               if               you               know               the               stalking               and               the               violence               is               about               to               escalate.
               Evil               can               only               exist               when               good               people               stand               by               and               allow               it               to               happen.

SPEAK               OUT!

We               can               come               together               as               a               nation               and               decide               to               protect               our               neighbors,               our               neighbor's               children,               and               anyone               else               that               needs               protection.

If               we               see               someone               that               looks               suspicious               or               your               intuition               tells               you               that               something               is               not               right,               approach               them               and               ask               them               who               they               are.

What               is               the               worst               thing               that               can               happen?

Contact               the               person               they               are               watching               and               make               sure               the               parents               are               aware               of               any               suspicious               activity.
               Fear               is               what               prevents               people               from               speaking               up.

Whether               it               exudes               from               the               victim               or               family,               friends,               and               other               loved               ones               of               the               victim.

If               you               know               it               is               wrong,               please               do               speak               out.

In               Morgan's               case,               I               believe               and               know               it               to               be               true               that               there               are               other               young               adults               that               know               something               about               what               happened               to               Morgan,               but               are               either               a)               too               scared               to               come               forward               for               their               own               safety               or               b)               they               are               afraid               to               get               caught               up               in               the               legal               implications               of               the               whole               thing.

It               is               very               sad               to               me               because               they               have               managed               to               stay               quiet               and               as               a               result,               they               have               to               suffer               and               live               with               this               for               the               rest               of               their               life               with               knowing               someone               is               dead               due               to               their               fear.

               How               has               your               life               changed               since               her               death?

What               have               you               done               differently?
               Morgan               taught               us               very               much               in               her               short               life               and               in               her               tragic               death.

She               taught               us               how               important               it               is               to               always               tell               the               people               that               you               love               how               much               you               love               them.

I               talk               to               our               oldest               daughter               and               our               son               on               the               phone               almost               on               a               daily               basis               and               we               always               remember               to               tell               each               other               that               we               love               each               other.
               Morgan               has               taught               me               that               people               are               the               most               important               thing               in               this               world.

Our               life               on               earth               is               not               about               money               or               possessions.

It's               all               about               what               you               can               do               to               help               others.

That               life               has               to               be               lived               to               its               fullest               and               you               have               to               open               your               eyes               to               all               of               the               beauty               that               surrounds               you.

From               the               smallest               drop               of               rain               on               a               leaf               to               the               amazing               hawk               swooping               down               from               the               sky...don't               miss               a               moment               of               it!
               I               feel               that               since               Morgan's               death,               I               was               awakened               with               a               purpose,               a               purpose               that               I               never               really               knew               before               her               death.

My               purpose               now               in               life               is               to               try               to               make               sure               that               this               doesn't               ever               happen               to               another               girl               and               another               family.

Laws               need               to               be               changed,               as               well               as,               enforced.

Law               enforcement               agencies               and               authorities               across               the               country               and               around               the               world               need               to               take               stalking               seriously.

               What               is               the               message               you               are               trying               to               spread?

What               would               you               like               others               to               know?
               I               want               people               to               know               that               stalking               is               an               abhorrent               crime.

It               is               soooo               serious               and               it               is               dangerous.

It               is               also               pervasive               and               it               creates               a               living               hell               for               victims.

It               destroys               and               sabotages               relationships.

It               forces               people               to               move.

It               causes               victims               to               become               hyper-vigilant               for               the               rest               of               their               lives,               always               looking               over               their               shoulder.
               Most               children               that               have               been               kidnapped               were               stalked               first.

Most               women               that               were               raped               were               stalked               first.

Most               serial               killers               stalk               their               victims.

Stalking               has               to               be               taken               seriously               and               our               law               enforcement               agencies               need               to               have               the               proper               training               to               deal               with               this               crime               -               and               they               do               NOT!

Stalking               is               the               most               underreported               crime               in               this               nation.

If               predators               are               not               stopped               in               time,               they               will               continue               to               hurt               others.

They               may               not               stop               until               the               victim               is               dead.

We               need               laws               to               place               protection               on               the               victim.
               There               is               a               lot               of               misconceptions               about               stalking.

According               to               the               United               States               Department               of               Justice,               most               stalkers               are               in               their               late               teens               to               middle-aged.

You               are               most               likely               to               be               stalked               by               offenders               of               similar               age.

Morgan's               stalker               was               a               year               younger               than               her.

Nearly               half               of               victims               from               age               21               to               29               were               stalked               by               offenders               who               were               the               same               age.
               There               are               also               stalkers               that               use               others               to               help               terrorize               their               victims.

These               accomplices               will               not               only               help               cover               up               the               crimes               they               have               committed,               but               they               will               lie               for               them               and               spread               untruths               as               facts               in               horribly               misguided               efforts               to               deflect               attention               from               the               stalker               and               the               truth.

My               daughter               was               a               victim               of               this               particular               defamation.

As               Morgan's               stalking               was               happening               the               mother               of               the               girl               the               stalker               was               living               with               tried               to               paint               Morgan               as               having               disappeared,               saying               that               Morgan               had               gone               missing.

She               also               tried               to               tell               others               the               stalker               had               been               caught               and               that               the               stalker               was               Morgan's               ex-boyfriend.

Rumor               after               rumor,               even               after               Morgan               was               dead.
               The               Coroner's               office               had               put               down               that               Morgan               died               of               natural               causes               for               eight               months,               so               why               were               these               people               spreading               the               suicide               theory?

The               laws               do               very               little               to               protect               the               victim.

The               victims               deserve               better               laws               that               protect               them               and               their               rights               as               Americans.

Current               laws               give               the               stalker               the               advantage,               as               well               as,               protection.

Morgan's               case               started               as               a               misdemeanor               trespassing               and               after               7               and               a               half               weeks,               it               finally               moved               up               to               a               felony               stalking               case.

Critical               evidence               was               never               collected.

We               believe               this               stalker               knew               what               to               expect               and               he               is               most               likely               going               to               do               this               again.

               I               am               so               sorry               to               hear               about               your               loss.

There               is               nothing               in               this               world               that               will               replace               what               was               lost,               especially               a               loss               of               a               loved               one.

What               else               would               you               like               others               to               know?
               When               a               crime               with               a               similar               MO               is               happening               in               the               same               area,               I               feel               that               law               enforcement               has               a               duty               to               inform               the               citizens               of               that               area.

Community               involvement               not               only               raises               awareness               for               people,               but               it               also               is               an               enormous               tool               for               law               enforcement.

It               utilizes               so               many               more               eyes               and               ears               and               will               help               law               enforcement               catch               these               predators               much               faster.

Law               enforcement               cannot               be               everywhere               at               all               times,               so               everyone               needs               to               watch               out               for               each               other.
               This               doesn't               even               take               into               account               that               within               an               hour's               drive               of               us,               we               have               nine               different               law               enforcement               agencies               that               do               not               share               this               type               of               information.

A               stalker               can               drive               15               minutes               away               and               do               the               same               crime               and               none               of               the               other               law               enforcement               agencies               will               know               there               is               a               similar               MO               happening               just               down               the               road.

A               lot               of               states               are               starting               to               develop               more               laws               to               help,               but               we               have               a               really               long               way               to               go.
               We               need               to               all               believe               in               our               intuition.

It               will               never               fail               you.

If               everyone               watches               out               for               those               around               them,               then               I               will               believe               a               lot               of               these               crimes               cannot               be               committed.

As               a               whole,               the               good               people               in               this               world               need               to               stand               up               and               do               something               to               stop               these               horrors               from               happening               to               another               family.

               What               are               your               future               plans               and               goals?
               We               will               be               launching               the               Morgan               Ingram               Foundation               shortly.

We               envision               the               Foundation's               goal               as               a               resource               for               stalking               victims               to               find               answers               to               their               questions,               give               direction               for               assistance,               as               well               as,               develop               tools               to               help               the               victims               of               stalking.

Our               goal               is               to               raise               awareness,               which               we               believe               is               greatly               needed.

Steve               and               I               went               to               bed               one               night               with               broken               hearts,               and               woke               up               the               next               day               with               a               purpose.

We               will               NEVER               stop               working               towards               justice               for               Morgan               and               will               do               whatever               it               takes               to               develop               new               ways               to               help               future               stalking               victims.

               Morgan               is               now               a               force,               a               power,               and               a               face               to               change               something               so               unethical               and               with               your               help,               justice               will               be               served.

If               anyone               has               any               information               about               the               stalking               and               death               of               Morgan               Ingram,               please               please               come               forward.

Imagine               if               this               were               your               daughter,               your               mother,               your               wife,               your               son,               your               sister,               your               brother,               or               any               other               loved               one               in               your               life,               imagine               if               this               were               YOU!

WHAT               WOULD               YOU               DO?

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